Sunday, May 19, 2019


Feel like I have dig down too deep, although I had told myself not to do so for many times already. Now I have seen the skull there, and it scares me to death. I escaped with fear and struck the ground I had made not long ago. The upper layer fell down and left me pain. 

Shame on me!

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Should we be controled over our belief?

Religion is one of the most powerful rule in all era. They rooted deeply in head and heart of those who have faith in them. Mostly, religion guides their followers to the better standards of life, to live peacefully and harmlessly.

Most religious follow the theory well. They treated people the way they wanted to be treated. They are kind. They work on their own happiness, and they leave no one pain. They watch out their own actions and words carefully. And they get along well with people.

However, there are still those people who use religion to fulfill their own need and power. They fake religious so as to earn respect and property. Some use it in order to win an argument. Some take that chance to lead and constraint the other who are powerless in the name of love, care, and maintain. Sometime they even cut off the other people’s freedom of belief, and force them to believe what they do

Likewise, when the majority of one nation have faith in a specific religion, the other tend to or instinctively do the same, otherwise that minority will get punished or be insulted by the bigger group. Said they are xenophile, evil, or lost. Additionally, in Cambodia, if we come to disagree with their point of view or could not pick to stand at a side of any religion, we could be easily called as a Tamil which they mostly use to insult people. It refers to those who are cruel, rude, and atheistic. They even said this type of person will never be Rest In Peace after death.

I have ever wondered which religion they believe and which theory they follow taught them to control, to judge, and to offend the other just for they could not believe what they do not believe.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Wrong Room

Have you ever experienced entering the wrong classroom? How did it feel like?

To accidentally attend in the wrong room when we were in school for the first time was often happened for our carelessness or confusion. It got us stung and embarrassed when we came to realize we actually did not belong there. Yet, later, it amused us for the silly mistaken we had done. Perhaps, the new friendship began there, the kind of extra ones. Although, we had to started at another one.

But, there were certain rooms where we were really set to be or happened to be there, suddenly turned out to be so wrong for us. Just for us. It made us hard to blend or even to just stepped in.

Like when we were in high school, where students were classified. I mean the room for good, normal, and bad students. We were separated and categorized base on our score on each subject. Felt like we were indirectly insulted if we happened to be at the bad one.

Funny thing is that the problem was not there, yet it was when we were the worst one and got like a lucky draw to the best room which did not fit our poor brain at all. Or maybe god wanted to make fun of us? Guess.

Felt so proud to walk in on the very first day? and later to only realize we already became a donkey over monkeys out there. Thought we could climb? Get over it! No one disrespected us, we offended ourselves. That was how we were taught, maybe.

And then, found our foot were heavier on the next day and after. We hesitated to go in, for our own security and comfort. Thought. We knew that we could be stepped on to death for real. Not by their foot, but our own thinking. The thinking that kept holding us on and pulled us back from going towards it sometimes.

Maybe, it was where we wanted to give up, and maybe we wanted to at least try it out. At least. To disappoint ourselves. To know whether the complication was the room, them, us, or the class.