Saturday, May 18, 2019

Should we be controled over our belief?

Religion is one of the most powerful rule in all era. They rooted deeply in head and heart of those who have faith in them. Mostly, religion guides their followers to the better standards of life, to live peacefully and harmlessly.

Most religious follow the theory well. They treated people the way they wanted to be treated. They are kind. They work on their own happiness, and they leave no one pain. They watch out their own actions and words carefully. And they get along well with people.

However, there are still those people who use religion to fulfill their own need and power. They fake religious so as to earn respect and property. Some use it in order to win an argument. Some take that chance to lead and constraint the other who are powerless in the name of love, care, and maintain. Sometime they even cut off the other people’s freedom of belief, and force them to believe what they do

Likewise, when the majority of one nation have faith in a specific religion, the other tend to or instinctively do the same, otherwise that minority will get punished or be insulted by the bigger group. Said they are xenophile, evil, or lost. Additionally, in Cambodia, if we come to disagree with their point of view or could not pick to stand at a side of any religion, we could be easily called as a Tamil which they mostly use to insult people. It refers to those who are cruel, rude, and atheistic. They even said this type of person will never be Rest In Peace after death.

I have ever wondered which religion they believe and which theory they follow taught them to control, to judge, and to offend the other just for they could not believe what they do not believe.

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