Thursday, October 3, 2019

Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

"Ma'am, can I keep wearing the brace? I feel I am more beautiful with it, and I do not want to take it off." - Little unknown girl asked the dentist in the morning she had made an appointment for taking her brace off.

Many times, we are just like this young girl, we come to feel comfortable with being uncomfortable after time. For we stay with the trouble maker for too long, until we are tame to it. And we eventually become to feel like we can not be any better without it. We can also feel like we are losing a part of our life which cause us to be anxious about not being able to fill back the upcoming hole.

We tend to forget how annoying those brackets and wires are; the most when we were eating. We seem to ignore the fact our lips got cut over time already. We are more likely to no longer mind the difficulty we often tried to keep our teeth clean, the over brushing, yet they still got stained.

We did not aware that we are actually free from something that sabotage us for this long. We are actually losing the agony we have hold for years. And in reality, we are going to let our damaged skin recover.

For certain, it can be hard or weird at the first few days without them because we already used to the thick on our teeth for ages, and suddenly they go thin again. The hole is just for temporary. Sooner or later, we can surely intuit the right decision we had made. And realize that the actual comfortable is not the feeling of getting used to with the uncomfortable situation at all. It must be when we do not hesitate to abandon any circumstances which devastate us.

Why do we have to linger to something that keep tearing us into pieces everyday while leaving for better is the choice we can always go for?

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