Monday, September 2, 2019

Memories Haunt

Is this called MEMORIES HAUNT?

To feel like our heart is tossed into the air whenever the person who left long ago suddenly appeared in our head. Seemingly, it was just happened a few days or minutes before, although it took place for ages.

To feel like we are losing our breath to realize that we are not going to see them again. This sounds dramatic, yet it was exactly occurred to us, when we could hardly breath because of the happy moment in the past kept drifting over nonstop. And we realize that we do not have the power to bring it up again.

To dream about their returning, and only to disappoint ourselves when we wake up knowing it was not truly happening. It kept waking us up many times a night, almost we could not sleep. It is definitely awkward! They killed our mood in day time is not enough, so they come up and haunt us in our dream too. For we can feel the agony twice.

To feel sad and pain when we go to place we used to be together with them, and now they were absent. We may linger to the place, for we see their picture is moving in front of us. The way they dress, walk, and smile. And the way we gazed at them like they were the only object there.

To keep hearing their phrases or voice, and sounds like it is new in our hear. We also remember how they pronounce words almost we can repeat those lines out in the same accent. Sometime, we even answered the call in our head out loud. And to only aware we were alone with ourselves now.

And if these are not called haunting, I do not know what haunting is, when their visiting scare us harder than ghost does.

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