Thursday, October 6, 2022

Mystery Guy

It was Saturday morning when I saw a guy. He worn coral, and I was in my favorite color. I was with a very close friend of mine, but he sat next to someone I believed he was his boyfriend. I was just like backpedaling to where I hadn’t begun yet, or perhaps I was veering off.

It was in a deep part of the living green coat of the earth where my heart was racing, but I didn’t dare to make a move although I then realized they both were just friends. Like there was hidden wall at between, I clearly intuited it was there. Many times, I lingered my eyes on his back as he walked pass and he never once turned around just to check on me. That was despair. But I couldn’t stop peeking at him. I saw his curly hair, back ears, white cheeks, pale neck, and his long fingers. 

We didn’t see eye to eye at the moment. Although I wanted to learn about, I chose to distance, to disappear into thin air the day after. Perhaps, that was the only way I could save my heart from falling to pieces again. I didn’t want new hope just to lose it later, and I didn’t want to wait for another decade so as to move on again.

Little did I know, I dropped my little red and round shaped at somewhere I didn’t aware of. It was like miracle! He found it, and he got his way to return it back to me a week after. Who knows? It doesn’t follow me anymore, but him. I guess it’s his now, but I’m happy for that… 

📸: September 10, 2022 - 14:27 
✍️: October 06, 2022 - 00:34