Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Illogical, yet Common

When there is news about two same sex couple decided to be together, there are always those who come up to cheer them and discourage them at the same time.

It is kind of great thing that certain people decided to understand and willing to learn about the other opinion. It is also okay for people to disagree with things they do not agree with somehow. Yet it comes to surprise me when people choose to directly and indirectly insult the other because they have different way of thinking. And what amaze me the most is there are people who join that disrespectful comment like it is a usual thing.

Many weeks before, I saw a few straight people congratulated for the Legalize Gay Marriage in Taiwan.

“I’m straight. I have children, yet I support them. Love is Love.” Said a man which remain profile picture with his family; wife, son, and daughter. “I don’t mind if they are straight or gay, as long as they love each other.” Said a mother.   

They got so many Like and Heart Reactions, yet there were many Angry Reactions and offensive comments too.

“Go marry a guy to show your support then.” Said by many to the married guy above. “let your boy marry a man to prove it.” Added the other.

But why?

It sounded unreasonable and only made them look like a fool to said so; to tell a straight guy to marry a guy. Why should he be told what to do? So why should he marry a guy when he actually loves a woman. Why should he rule his son to marry a man as he grows up when we have no idea whether he love a girl or boy?

Guess they only live their life with those instinctive opinions, follow the old path, and they tend to be a bossy who love to constrained the other.

We all know it, right? We don’t need to be a dog to go against those who eat dog meat. We don’t have to be disabled to support people with disabilities. We don’t have to be a woman to stand for women rights. And we don’t need to be god to follow their path too.

Haven’t they known that they also don’t need to be one to support those who love the same sex. All they need is just humanity and be willing to open their heart to accept the other truth.

The majority does not mean the truth. What we have never seen does not mean it has never been happened. Learn about it before you have to judge blindly. 

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Love Signal

It is natural to look for partner as we grow up. And to found them, we cannot just pick up from somewhere on the road or buy them one in the market. There are exactly arts of attraction we need to express.

For example, when male peacocks want to attract female, they expand their eye-spotted tail. Elephants flap their ears and keep them wide open. Frogs and crickets sing. Pufferfishes make circle pattern. And bowerbirds build and decorate home to draw their mate.

Differently, human is the only special species on earth. We do not instinctively do the same thing. We have our own unique ways to approach ours or pull them in with our elaborate expressions, both words and actions, and each one does it in different ways. Maybe this is why humans ourselves tend not to be able to understand those secret complex signals somewhat, even though it is from our own species.

It would be a lot easier and time saving if we just go straight and confess what on our mind, yet humans seem to love playing puzzle. We go round and round in a big circle. Sometimes we even express it in the opposite way, and we expect the other side would be aware of it. When it does not go our way, we become frustrated and disappointed. But how can we consider someone to understand what they do not understand? And try to assume the meaning of it by our own thoughts.

However, there is still an accurate way to show our love to get the completely right answer, although it can be positive or negative, is to speak our mind out, and make sure it is the exact words and in a polite tone with respect.

Remember, no one is going to wait for our unpredictable decision or feeling. So, there is no reason to make it months or years while we surely know what we really crave for. Take the step first if we truly worth the person.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Top or Bottom?

Date: March 17, 2019
Edit: May 31, 2019

Most of people may have already known that Top refers to the guy who love the same sex, but it is specific for the guy who is stronger and manly in the way they dress or behave. Unlikely, the Bottom refers to the weaker gay guy who is likely to behave as a girl. In accurate word, the Top plays as a man, and Bottom plays as a woman.

In Dating App, most of people tend to start a conversation with question “Top or Bottom?”. Curt and unworthy opening.

How do you feel to be asked those such as question?

The majority found this is usual to ask or be asked before they have to go for further conversation. They may think it is a waste of time to get to know people they have never plan for. And they end the chat immediately when they come to know the out of expected answer. Without word.

But have you ever thought that this type of question is really rude, and it should have never been asked at all? It is like they are asking for the position of sex, the how we would like to be in bed. Is it that necessary? It is suitable? Is it really okay to ask people you have just known or at the beginning of the talk?

We, LGBT, have always said “Love knows no gender. Love has no border.” So why does it seem so important to know the position of sex before we have to know someone new? Why can’t we just try to learn about each other first? Or can’t we just start a conversation in a dating app without the word SEX in our head?

Have you ever thought that the question of Top or Bottom is to ask for sex partner instead of a life partner?

Actually, when it come to love, the position of sex is not that really matter for those who love each other as long as they could get along. I believe that if two people really love each other, one would definitely be willing to fulfill one another’s need.

Have you forgotten? We don’t even care if they have the same sex as ours, so why does the position matter?