Sunday, October 13, 2019

What We Would Like To Show

Look at this picture, it was all green and fresh, at the middle of rice field. We could feel so relaxed with its calming color. Yet it was just an angle, a part of a photo taker intended to show to his or her viewers. But who knows what was the real hue behind this natural light?

What if I tell you, it was surrounded by a few modern building which made it less likely what it seemed in the picture? What if I tell you there was certain garbage behind my back? What if I told you the smell was not as fresh as the photo is?

So, do you feel like the photo is FAKE now? But is it really fake? The answer can be Yes and No. 

It should have been fake if there was a description below said the opposite things, for other people could gravitate towards the place, so one could earn benefit from another. Yet it should have not been fake at all to only involve positive spot, to only love to document and spread beautiful stories as long as there was no made up line.

With different eyes, we can see thing in the same way. With different mindset, we are led to different worlds.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

"Ma'am, can I keep wearing the brace? I feel I am more beautiful with it, and I do not want to take it off." - Little unknown girl asked the dentist in the morning she had made an appointment for taking her brace off.

Many times, we are just like this young girl, we come to feel comfortable with being uncomfortable after time. For we stay with the trouble maker for too long, until we are tame to it. And we eventually become to feel like we can not be any better without it. We can also feel like we are losing a part of our life which cause us to be anxious about not being able to fill back the upcoming hole.

We tend to forget how annoying those brackets and wires are; the most when we were eating. We seem to ignore the fact our lips got cut over time already. We are more likely to no longer mind the difficulty we often tried to keep our teeth clean, the over brushing, yet they still got stained.

We did not aware that we are actually free from something that sabotage us for this long. We are actually losing the agony we have hold for years. And in reality, we are going to let our damaged skin recover.

For certain, it can be hard or weird at the first few days without them because we already used to the thick on our teeth for ages, and suddenly they go thin again. The hole is just for temporary. Sooner or later, we can surely intuit the right decision we had made. And realize that the actual comfortable is not the feeling of getting used to with the uncomfortable situation at all. It must be when we do not hesitate to abandon any circumstances which devastate us.

Why do we have to linger to something that keep tearing us into pieces everyday while leaving for better is the choice we can always go for?

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Do not Rob My Belief

This is almost 20 percent of our 21st century already, why do opinions from medieval still exist? 

We, human, has the rights to believe what we truly believe. Non of us should be forced, both physical and mental, to follow the paths we are reluctant to do. Especially, when it is about belief. We should have been free to express the way we want it to be, as long as it does not against anyone's faith or life.

If you told me you worship certain stones, I would avoid walking or sitting on them. If you told me you love some kind of trees, I would not mind helping you water them sometimes. If you said you do not link anything, I may try not to bring them up when you are around. If you are willing to spend times at house of religion, I would also be okay to take you to the place someday although I do not like it. This is called RESPECT.

However, there are things you should be aware of; each of us have our own point of view, and ours have the same value as yours. We do not ask you to believe what we believe. So you should have not constrained us too, yet you should reciprocate with respect instead of attempting to blame our belief, for you can praise your thoughts wider.

Forcing me to follow your rule and leave my favorite behind, it only makes me feel like I am robbed and cheated. Telling me your belief is right and mine is wrong without any clear and reasonable explanation only makes me lose my respect for you, and it makes me consider you in another way. Being frustrated, for I refuse to believe what I do not believe in would only makes me curious if you are still okay.

Anything which is related to religion, it should be something come up from mind and heart, not from anyone's words or order or rule, or even the instinct. It should be something we are willing to do, not something we need to fake for good image.

we do not really need plastic heaven.