Sunday, December 22, 2019

Eyes Contact

It amused me when I saw people made eyes contact on television or novels. It looked and sound fake, until I once experienced by my own.

It was a little different from movie when two people made eyes contact, where they could feel electricity ran through from one side to another. Yet one thing just went in parallel was everything went disappearing at the moment both sides refused to look away, but each other eyes.

We were at the middle of the super crowded canteen in Aeon Mall. Nothing. We were just resting after a long hours walk for our city tour, Phnom Penh.

He looked at me, and I did the same. We both smiled, yet our eyes were stillness. Normally, I was the kind of person who was easily stared down, but this time I was linger for a while. I guess it was more than 10 seconds, a moment I felt we were alone together in a white world where I could only see him, his eyes and his smile. And no one else.

I felt like we were secretly communicating, seeking, diving, reading, or else in silent just to learn about each other. Like there was a key to every questions we were holding on. Or an answer which possibly solved to all the riddle in our heads.

And since then, I started to noticed he peeked at me for several times. Just like I was doing since I had met him. And whenever our eyes met, we just gave each other a little smile. It seemed we intuited the messages which had never been sent out.

I just wished my cheeks didn't turn red at the moment our eyes were contacting.

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