Saturday, March 28, 2020

Fear and Desire

There is always a time when we feel like we jeopardize our life by stepping out into our biggest fear so as to seek for a small happiness within them. We may win, and we may lose. No one knows if we have never given our first step out.

If we are lucky enough, we'll find it, and there will be another milestone. If we are misfortune, it'll be another nightmare or become empty. Life is like this. Yet there are certain things we would still be able to hold them along whether we lose or win; our new experience and memory.

Is it worth for the risk? Maybe. Things always come and go, but we human don't just exist and disappear into air. We build, and we remain. We commemorate, we remind, and we are remembered. That's what make us special. And that special things lead us to each of our own perpetual journey. To meet unexpected events in life. And our goal, the little happiness above.

Perhaps it sounds stupid for most people to think about putting ourselves into uncomfortable circumstances in order to earn memories. Perhaps there is only emotional people would be able to intuit its value. And keep going for it, fight for it, celebrate for it, and cry for it.

Like if I hadn't dived into my dreadfulness in that middle year of the dog, how could I get the seashells and sand, the new banknotes and coins, his touch and kiss, his goodbye hug and my tear? And I would have no stories to tell too.

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