Monday, August 12, 2019

I Know Myself

To touch the fire would make my fingers burning. To stare at the bright bulb would be a devastation of my sight. To linger close to the lamp would turn my skin to the hue of that giving glow. But I have always been so stubborn and foolishly done all these things sometimes, repeatedly like I have never learnt. Like I have never been cracked.

To walk pass the police line while they are hanging, it has never been in my head. To get into someone's house without invitation, the thing I could never make it occur. To stand on my tiptoes or any objects to make myself look taller is something out of my desire. To aggressively cross the road when the traffic light goes red, that would never be in my though too. So no need to be worried about it. I am not going to cut the queue in order to be at front line although I do not like waiting.

I have always been sufficiently advised; to never lean on someone, take credit on work I do not belong to, break other people's wall, exaggerate things, fake being someone else, steal other people's happiness, or even to earn benefit from relationship. And I have also set a very strict rules for myself on how to reciprocate the other.

Whatever, I am just a human being, too, like you and everyone else. I made mistakes. Sometime it was unintentionally done, and sometime I did not aware of it. But I am sure I have never premeditated them out. If you see it, and you do not let me know, and you expect me to intuit what I do not know since the first place by shouting out inside yourself. How is it possible? How can I read your mind?

I may have crossed my line and walk out of my circle sometime, but I have never forgotten to remind myself to never attempt to demolish the other people's belongings. I have always known that, inside me.

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