Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Fake People

Date: March 10, 2019

When we have met so many fake people, we started to realize that walking alone is a lot easier and healthier for our mental.

Yet, the fact is that we all can always be fake for someone for certain reasons, and oftentimes we did not aware of it, for we are stubborn enough to stand up so high on our own opinion and emotion which lack of ability to make the right judgment.

Being true to ourselves is something we found it hard to be sometime. And it is always admirable if we could be one. But when we bring our self-being up at where someone be a victim of our decision, then the result of our truth is becoming fake people.

Be aware that it will never be wrong to be true to our feeling, and it will never be right too to use our true feeling as an excuse to destroy anyone else.

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