Monday, November 18, 2019

Remote Area

Date: April 07, 2019
Edit: November 17, 2019

I was kind of realizing that time was much longer and worth opening my eyes for when I was once in a remote area where mobile service was no longer available. It was the only moment I could feel people were really connected.

However, I was still on phone sometimes. But I was recording the time, words, and important information I though I might forget somehow. I just loved to collect memories, both good and bad.

People said memories were better captured by our eyes and stored in our heart, the one on light screen were not as beautiful as the actual version. So we should leave our phone, and consume the real time.

But I think it was not enough to only let the full resolution of the moment run across our sense and passed by forever. Saw it, and recorded it. And the best time to be able to get things in detail was to document it right after it happened.

Some people went to mountain to see the mountain, and some went there to feel it. Yet both intention were just to build memories. It is okay to have different point of view or way of consuming.

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