Saturday, May 30, 2020

Lie Not To Lie

Today, two years ago was a very special day in my life. My new favorite milestones were added to my journal almost 10 days straight, and 30th May was my fifth at that period.

It was an evening, after we spent hours being wet for whole day on our boat trip. We finally arrived our homestay which was on a remote island in Raja Ampat, Indonesia. Nobody else, just us.

We had dinner together at our wooden dinning table, and everyone had conversations in Bahasa Indonesia which I could not understand even a thing. So, I just kept eating. I remember I ate 8 shrimps when everyone only got a few of them. XD hahaha

Suddenly, they turned the question at me. And six pair of eyes were too. They staring me down before their question came out.

"How do you know Mr. K?" His friend, Hendra, asked.
"You can ask him directly." because Mr. K was also there, and I just didn't want to tell a lie. I was not good at lying.

Mr. K used to tell me in April 2017 that if anyone asked how we knew each other, just told them we were from a game. But the problem was I didn't usually play game. What if they asked me in detail? I would be stung!

"We just want to know if he lied us or not. He told us he knew you from game." The another friend, Meilisa, who sat next to me said.

I glanced at him, but he kept staring at food on table, and he picked some food up to bite. He choked a little bit before he left the table for water. Guess he was pretending not to care about their question and my answer.

"Sorry. I cannot remember because it's long time already." I lied. Anyway.
"How long?"Asked Meilisa.
"Maybe 2 years."
"Not that long to not remember." She said so, but there was no more question.

Everyone was quiet for a few seconds, then Hendra, that same person who sat at the opposite of my seat and next to Mr. K, began...

"Look at him." Hendra's hand was on Mr. K's face, like he was trying to introduce me his brand new product. "He's so handsome. You know? He has so many girlfriends there." He continued.

Everyone laughed, and so did I. I began to feel like everyone could feel my feel toward Mr. K too. We just chose not to speak it out, or the atmosphere would turn to uncomfortable.

"Why do you like Raja Ampat?" Meilisa asked.

I paused a few seconds. 
What? I did not even use to know Raja Ampat before. I just came here to see him!

"I like sea and mountain." I replied and smiled at her. (Thinking how smart and flexible I was.) haha

Everyone started to talk in Bahasa again. I can not understand. But I was totally enjoy the moment.

Friday, May 22, 2020

They Say

They say above sky, there is god
I only see them and costumes
Maybe it’s my individual thought
But sometime, there’s obviously the devil

They say speaking white, a kindhearted
I check what they bring here
A stainless heart doesn’t seem to come with
Is it dropped? Is it stolen?

They say my love is a sin
Their racist and hatred turn golden color
Mine’s wrong by design, theirs’ what it has always been
Perhaps they don’t know. That’s just an instinct
And rainbow is still shining whether they refuse to pin

Thursday, May 14, 2020


It was embarrassing to tell that I once had his full date of birth for my mobile lock screen, 211188. It was kind of special and a little heartwarming to have cyphers which most of people didn't know, yet I was sure there were several people would understand.

It was like I wanted it to stay secret, at the same time I wanted it getting exposed. I didn't want anyone know it, yet I aspired someone could intuit my hidden message. Like a riddle which was waiting for someone to solve it to be freed.

It was all fine until a day I was almost caught by him when we were on our second trip, May 28, 2018.

I was alone with him in the same bedroom that I had to be more careful, to never let him got chance approached my phone. I knew he was smart enough for that such as thing. He might guess it right, and I would be in trouble. haha

I had changed it to my year of birth, plus my favorite number, and his year of birth. It was 932288. He would never get it right, I was confident (not really). Also, I was using fingerprint instead of typing my passcode out in front of him. I was smart, too, right? And yeah! I passed. I didn't get caught that night although he had used my phone for a short period, he helped changing new sim card and tested it for me!

But, there was a night of 1st June, it was when he needed my phone again for many times to call home and check his social media, for his phone gone wild for the heavy rain the days before. I unlocked my phone for him all the time I passed mine to him, only once when he was holding it long enough until it locked by itself. He asked me to unlock for him again. That time, I wanted to try too. To know. If he knew. If he even paid attention to. I gave him my password.

"Sembilan tiga dua dua delapan delapan." I spoke his language. Yeah, I could count in his language well enough. XD "I gave you my password, but promise me to never lock into my notes!" Added I. It would be a devastating if he happened to lock into my notes because most of my writing there were about him.

"I know." Said he. I truly trusted him.

He applied that code in and started typing. He showed me that it already unlocked and looked at me from about three meters away.

"I know there is something in your password." He said and looked back to the light screen. My heart was racing, but I played it cool. I pretended like I knew nothing.
"What?" Asked I.
"It's your year of birth and mine." He said and peek at me a little bit.
"No. It's not." I lied.
"It is. That 93 is yours, and 88 is mine." He seemed confident.
"Then what is that 22 for?"
"I don't know. But I'm sure that 93 and 88 is ours." said without looking at me.
"It's not." I convinced (?). @@ before I escaped to take a shower.
"It is."

Then the secret code was finally solved like I had expected too although I didn't admit it. hahaha. At the same time, I felt embarrassed for what I had done. But for whatever it was, all I kelp in mind was that 'I didn't have so much time.' It was less than 24 hours before we had to part again. For year. Or years. Or forever. I had no clue.