Wednesday, August 31, 2022


You said let’s go a few step backwards 

To a friendship thing

I said I’ll follow your decision

I’d stand where the line was drawn

But I’m wondering if we were just friends for the whole time back then 

Why am I broken now

Why I feel like the whole heart is getting cold

And it’s empty 

Yet I know no where it has begun 

And I know no where it is lingering now

All I know 

It’s like trying to collect all of those broken pieces 

And wishing to put it back 

Just so I can heal fast

Write: August 30, 2022

Monday, August 29, 2022


You said I don’t need to tiptoe 

You would bend down for me

You want pictures of us

Perhaps, they’re our feet

You promised me September 

You prove me never

You said you love me that night

Tomorrow came, you said we could be friend instead 

I was fake being okay with that

Said I follow you 

You said you don’t wanna hurt me

You want me to be happy

Yet, you just slowly made me feel like I was the fault 

I believed I was really the devil 

✍️: August 28, 2022 - 13:32

Monday, August 22, 2022

Your Tale


You said there was a white dolphin

Swim around the man's boat

The man enjoys watching as it jump up and down in

l asked if he could swim

You said he couldn't

He couldn't swim

You said he would build the aquarium

Just so he could watch it swims daily 

Turn out the man has cut off the line

He built the wall

He allows no dolphin in

Now it breaks my heart

The man hurts the dolphin

Yet the dolphin still waits for when the man comes as promise

Were he speaking the moon?

✍️: 21.Aug.2022

Monday, August 8, 2022

Get Lost


Sometime, I have no idea whether I'm just starting a new page, or I'm closing the chapter. I don't know if it is just fake laughing, or I'm actually laughing at my fooliness.

Sometime, I've read the same sentences again and over again. I'm not sure the fact I don't understand the lines, I'm trying to figure them out, or I love reading those lines.

Sometime, I wonder if I'm getting lost, or I just love observing. If I'm being curious, or it is just my excuses to speak and to hear.

Sometime, I draw the circle, and I'm the one who erase them. I built the wall, and I take them all down.

Sometime, I think I'm moving too fast that many people ask me to slow down, yet I always feel like I'm one step behind. I don't want people to wait for me, yet I would be happy if they actually do.

Sometime, I could sense I'm getting lost, but what if I don't get lost? Would I be found? Or would I still be drifting?

July 26, 2022



If we bump into each other, It's a destiny. If we come to part, It's a destiny. But if we hesitate, there is nothing to do with destiny but our own choice.

If I feel right, even if it's one time, one day, or one week, it's enough. I feel no regret. I'm glad at least it came across my lifetime.

If it was wrong, I should be the only one to blame on. If this is called karma, I know I deserve it. I would reject nothing. I deserve this punishment. I deserve all the punishments.

July 27, 2022
