Monday, August 8, 2022

Get Lost


Sometime, I have no idea whether I'm just starting a new page, or I'm closing the chapter. I don't know if it is just fake laughing, or I'm actually laughing at my fooliness.

Sometime, I've read the same sentences again and over again. I'm not sure the fact I don't understand the lines, I'm trying to figure them out, or I love reading those lines.

Sometime, I wonder if I'm getting lost, or I just love observing. If I'm being curious, or it is just my excuses to speak and to hear.

Sometime, I draw the circle, and I'm the one who erase them. I built the wall, and I take them all down.

Sometime, I think I'm moving too fast that many people ask me to slow down, yet I always feel like I'm one step behind. I don't want people to wait for me, yet I would be happy if they actually do.

Sometime, I could sense I'm getting lost, but what if I don't get lost? Would I be found? Or would I still be drifting?

July 26, 2022

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