Thursday, July 11, 2019


Date: June 18, 2019
Edit: July 11, 2019

If there was a genie from Aladdin movie float right in front of you, what would you ask for?

When people ask what we wish for, automatically and carelessly, most of the answers are more likely to be WEALTHY. But when we come to being able to pick less or just one, the differences are not that hard to state. And the category for them may be increased as well.

Some may crave for higher position in work field or in someone’s life. The other may covet for a life of another, for they thought it would be better or a lot easier. There may also those who only wish for enough food, healthy, or just home to stay. And while some people are begging to the god for just to be happy.

Oftentimes, in real situation, we do not really wish for wealth, we work for it. We insist for what we do not have, never for what we can possibly earn later.

The opposite desires will never make one another sounds stupid or weird, even though it can be useless for a group of or certain people.

Do not be afraid to have big dream. Do not feel ashamed to have the small one. Because we are the only one who know exactly what we truly need for our life. We are the only person who know the right and wrong for our own passion. 

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