Friday, November 22, 2019

From I Hate Cat to I Like Cat

I used to hate cat so much, for my neighbor's cats kept digging my flower pots and caused my plants to death for many times. They had also left their poops there for me to smell and collect it daily, like they intended to.

So, it became habit for me to chased and scared them out whenever I saw them. Later, I felt like I was recognized well by those poor cats! They quickly ran away just to see me approached from far. I remember once a cat was running so fast and lost control, it fell down from my roof to ground. No surprise, I laughed for weeks about this.

But things have changed when those old cats disappeared, and their new generations come to replace. They were so skinny, and we could easily saw their bones which hid under their skin. It pointed out the lack of food and care by their owner.

My mom had started sharing my puppies' food for them every morning and evening. Week later, we were really surprised waking up saw two of them were waiting for my mom at our front door. They had also meowed at my mom through our glass door. It was adorable that way!

Not only they act that innocent to my mom, they have also turned to be more like friends to me. They don't run away anymore, yet they dare to amble straight to me. They had also leaned and meowed at me, the one who scared them out the whole year.

Now I find myself checking them out every morning, and feel so excited seeing them at my door, and being curious if they happened not to show up on time. I have also fed them sometime when my mom was busy. I start to feel so good with them.

The cats are still pooping and digging my flower pots sometime, but I notice I wasn't angry at them like I used to. I just chose to bury it to the bottom of my pot and stuck some old chopsticks into the land so as to prevent them from excavating my pot instead of trying to scare them again. Maybe I'm afraid those cats won't come around anymore.

I come to realize I have been influenced by my mom. Her kindhearted towards those cats has affected me day by day, including how those two siblings change their respond to my approach, I eventually become to feel much better with cats then before.

Note: This change indicates that if we linger to anything long enough, sooner or later, less or more, we will be impacted by them. So, choose to surround positivity or negativity is always our own choice. And that choice will form the future us.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Remote Area

Date: April 07, 2019
Edit: November 17, 2019

I was kind of realizing that time was much longer and worth opening my eyes for when I was once in a remote area where mobile service was no longer available. It was the only moment I could feel people were really connected.

However, I was still on phone sometimes. But I was recording the time, words, and important information I though I might forget somehow. I just loved to collect memories, both good and bad.

People said memories were better captured by our eyes and stored in our heart, the one on light screen were not as beautiful as the actual version. So we should leave our phone, and consume the real time.

But I think it was not enough to only let the full resolution of the moment run across our sense and passed by forever. Saw it, and recorded it. And the best time to be able to get things in detail was to document it right after it happened.

Some people went to mountain to see the mountain, and some went there to feel it. Yet both intention were just to build memories. It is okay to have different point of view or way of consuming.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Fake People

Date: March 10, 2019

When we have met so many fake people, we started to realize that walking alone is a lot easier and healthier for our mental.

Yet, the fact is that we all can always be fake for someone for certain reasons, and oftentimes we did not aware of it, for we are stubborn enough to stand up so high on our own opinion and emotion which lack of ability to make the right judgment.

Being true to ourselves is something we found it hard to be sometime. And it is always admirable if we could be one. But when we bring our self-being up at where someone be a victim of our decision, then the result of our truth is becoming fake people.

Be aware that it will never be wrong to be true to our feeling, and it will never be right too to use our true feeling as an excuse to destroy anyone else.