Sunday, February 2, 2020

Deal With My Unhappiness

When you find yourself unhappy, how do you usually do to help yourself better?

I was once very unhappy and stressful with my life. I found myself got easily frustrated and upset most of the time. I didn't like a lot of things. I knew it wasn't good for my mental health, yet I didn't know how to be at peace.

But, one day, in late 2017, when I attended my new class at PUC, I got chance to listen to a monk, a well-known one there. He had talked about a few topics, but I caught one topic as I was so interested in that. He presented about "How to stay away from sadness." It was like god brought him to save me at my lowest time.

He said, to be happy, we first need to stay away from unhappy things. And unhappy things are included unhappy stuffs, unhappy people, and unhappy thought. If it makes us suffering, we don't really need to keep holding it. Just leave it. Stay away from those negativities.

As soon as I backed home, I started to follow his advice. I packed all items which reminded me of my past memories and kept them at the bottom of my storage. I unliked and unfollowed all the pages in Facebook which often uploaded sadness quotes. Also those people who liked to post something bothered the peace of my mind.

I began to subscribe to those people who have always shared positive though, or those who worked to motivate the other instead. Most of them are about Buddha's quotes. For these things bring peace to my mind. 

I also filled my newsfeed with animals' photos, plants, and funny video. Especially when I realized I was in bad mood because these ways will help me reduce my stress or anger faster.

These are the tools I've always used to help me go through my difficult times. How about yours? Feel free to share yours in comment below... ;) 

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